Our Services
Koers & Associates Engineering Ltd. projects comprise the full spectrum of municipal, residential, commercial, industrial, and environmental infrastructure development and upgrading.
From inventory management to computer modelling, to feasibility studies to grant application assistance, Koers offers a wide range of project planning services.
Asset management requires an accurate inventory of assets. Sometimes this can be part of a master plan or its own exercise. We have the resources to collect, review and analyze record data, and conduct field investigations to compile an accurate summary of utility systems or road networks.
Having the accurate location of underground utilities assists operators, planning, engineering and third parties. With our up-to-date robotic survey instruments and AutoCAD Civil 3D technologies we are able to compile utility maps using raw GIS data provided or from infrastructure location surveys we carry out.
Master Plans provide a roadmap to guide current and future operation, maintenance and upgrades, now and into the future. We provide Master Plan models and studies for water, sanitary sewer and drainage systems to assist municipalities in identifying current areas of concern, future capital projects and to carry out development reviews to ensure the municipal services to be installed will accommodate future development needs.
Koers is capable of assisting municipal governments in the submission of grant applications ranging from Infrastructure Planning Study Grants, upgrade of existing infrastructure to meet growing demands or regulatory requirements, to construction of new infrastructure to service future needs. We are able to provide supporting documentation, application review, or completion of the entire application.
In response to staffing shortages or complex engineering design projects, Koes has assisted a number of Island municipalities in carrying a review of development applications, including development of PLA’s, subdivision servicing design drawings, site servicing design drawings, and municipal infrastructure upgrade/replacement projects.
A feasibility study is used to assess if one or more suggested projects are appropriate to address the identified need(s). Feasibility studies often include: an assessment of each option (benefits and limitations); identification of regulatory requirements/approvals; project timeline from selection to completion of construction; estimated cost for to implement the options; and recommendations on how to proceed. Koers is well experienced in carrying out feasibility studies ranging from addressing existing system issues to assessing options to meet future needs.
We provide computer modelling using licensed industry leading programs for water systems using WaterGems (by Bentley), and sanitary sewer and storm drainage systems using XP-SWMM (by XP Solutions). We are able to model entire municipal systems or individual locations and service areas. Computer modelling is an integral part of Master Planning and detailed engineering design assignments. Water modelling is often used to assess the ability of the water distribution system to maintain adequate service levels during peak hour demands and to provide appropriate and sustained fire-fighting flows in accordance with existing zoning and future (OCP) land-use conditions. Storm drainage modelling has been used to recreate historical rainfall events to verify eye witness reports and post event observations, and assess the performance of potential improvement options.
Detailed Design
Our design services include topographic surveys, drafting, preliminary & detailed design, as well as costruction cost estimates, contract document preparation, and permit applications.
Our survey work ranges from: developed to undeveloped sites; a single property to multiple properties/sites; a short section of roadway to multiple kilometres long; foreshore surveys; long linear surveys, such as water transmission mains or sanitary sewer trunk/forcemans; and areas covering kilometres in length and width.
Drawings are developed utilizing the most current AutoCAD Civil 3D software package on our local area network of high performance CAD stations. Field survey data from our robotic survey instruments are downloaded complete with point descriptions into the base drawing. The drawing layout, line type, line styles, and fonts can be customized to meet the requirements of the various Vancouver Island municipalities.
Preliminary design is the taking a design concept and putting into a drawing. The preliminary design presents the broad overall scope of the project and the general framework of what is to be constructed.
Detailed design drawings present, in detail, what is to be constructed. During the detailed design development process, design drawings are submitted to the approving agencies for review and comment to ensure the design process is meeting the end product requirements. This typically involves submission of design drawings at the 50% and 75% to 95% stage of completion.
Our construction cost estimates are typically developed using our in-house library of construction costs from similar projects completed recently within the mid-island area with the addition of supplier quotes for any specialty equipment.
Many of our staff are very familiar with the preparation of Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD) or our own in-house construction contracts for effective control of project budget and timeline, including the addition of specialty technical specifications as required.
Koers is familiar with the permitting and approvals processes of the majority of regulating bodies, local municipalities, and third party utilities encountered in the mid-island region, including municipalities, regional districts, MoTI, MoE, DFO, Fortis BC, BC Hydro, Shaw, Telus, and others.
Tendering & Construction
We offer project management services, commissioning, record drawing, and tender & contract administration. We also provide construction inspection & layout surveys.
We often administer construction tenders for our design projects. This would include release of tender documents to contractors, responding to tenderer questions, opening and review of tender packages and recommendation of award.
For many of our projects we provide contract administration through the construction phase of the project. Most commonly used construction contracts include our in-house developed contract or the Master Municipal Construction Documents (MMCD) contract.
A Koers project manager typically works closely with the client and contractor through the construction stage helping to coordinate the various parties involved and liaise between the contractor and the client.
At Koers & Associates we have several experienced construction surveyors on staff, each with a robotic survey instrument. Our versatile construction inspectors are often able to combine site visits with inspection, layout and/or record survey duties providing efficiencies.
The only way to ensure that a project is built in accordance with the design is to inspect the product for conformance with the design drawings and specifications. Koers has experienced full time construction inspectors on staff capable of providing quick response time for quality assurance on local projects.
Record drawings are a vital part of asset management. Koers CAD staff can provide record drawings for any of our projects using information from our construction inspectors and the contractor.
Koers often prepares or assists in preparation of operation and maintenance manuals for facilities including mechanical equipment such as water and sewage pump stations and treatment plants.
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